If you’d like to find out more about studios, workshops and spaces in The Hidden Lane or The Hive, our contact details are below. Our spaces range from small, bright writing or art studios of just 12 feet by 8 feet to entire buildings, floors or bigger spaces suitable for larger businesses. We have various studios and sites in development at all times. Click here to find out what is currently available and what’s coming up.
The Hive is our four-storey building just to the left of Pan e Vino, Tesco and The Hidden Lane Gallery on Argyle Street. There is already an amazing community of people in the arts, marketing, charities and alternative health working from the building. Spaces range from small, bright writing or art studios on the top floor (some with great views of the Finnieston Crane) to bigger spaces suitable for larger businesses. Click here to find out what is currently available
Come and join us! You’ll find our contact details below. Please let us know what sort of business you’re in, what space you’re looking for and for what date.
Finnieston, The Hidden Lane and the Hive in the news:
The Glasgow Herald The Shoreditch Effect: How Finnieston Became The Hippest Place in Britain
The London Times The 20 Hippest Places to Live in Britain
STV What Makes Finnieston the Hippest Place to Live in Britain?
STV The Riverside Show – video – Festive Finnieston, December 2015
Walking Heads Discovering the Hidden Lane