UPDATE: March 2025
From the ashes of the shipping container plans have arisen the Clockwork Orange carriages. Being installed early March. More info as plans evolve…
UPDATE: February 2024
We may have been forced to admit defeat with our long, long-standing attempts to enrich the creative landscape of Finnieston. Various ‘authorities’ have made it impossible for us to proceed with this project. We are sorry for all those that have continued to inquire and be interested over the years.
UPDATE: November 2020
The Planning angst rumbles on – we know how disappointing this is for those of you clamouring for a fabulous, adaptable, creative container but the project continues to be on hold. 🙁
Check back here for more details as we have them. We will post news here whenever there is news to post!
UPDATE: September 2017
We’re still working on filling the conditions of the planning permission. We are still hoping to have Phase One underway before the end of the year (the smallest phase, just seven containers), but it all still depends on the conditions being met!
UPDATE: June 2017
Our development of 39 shipping containers was granted planning permission in June 2017, with conditions to meet. We are working on fulfilling those and are still some months away from starting the first phase of this development.
Thanks for all the calls and emails about container studios. We don’t have any ready yet! If you’d like to register interest in a shipping container studio, please use our contact form to send us a message, including your full name, contact details, what you would like to use the studio for, when you are looking for premises and any website that you have for your business. Please note, though, that the first phase units won’t be available for quite a few months.